Annual Arriva Bus Pass - 19+
Are you currently aged 19+ (aged 19 on the 31st August 2024) or a University Centre St Helens student? If so, please use the following to purchase your annual bus pass.
You can order and pay for your bus pass online. Alternatively, you can apply for a bus pass through the Bursary Fund. If you would like more information about the Bursary Fund or Bus Passes, please contact us on 01744 733766 or by email financialsupport@sthelens.ac.uk.
If you are a St Helens College student, you can also pay via the Fees Counter based at the STEM Centre and Town Centre Campus.
Please note, if you are a Knowsley Community College student, you will need to purchase your bus pass via the online shop.
Please print off your booking confirmation email and bring this with you to our reception to pick up your bus pass. Please note: YOU WILL NOT BE ISSUED WITH A BUS PASS UNLESS YOU PROVIDE PROOF OF PURCHASE.